夫の両親と、公園でアフタヌーンティーをしました。義理父がAdoniaの Party Trayを注文してくれていて、持ってきてくれました。ティーカップやポットまで。我が家からは美味しい紅茶と蜂蜜のみ持参。最初雨が降り出してすごく寒かったですが、温かいお茶が体にしみわたる。サンドイッチもとても美味しかったです。
The COVID-19 virus is primarily spread from person to person among those in close contact, within about 6 feet (2 meters). The virus spreads through respiratory droplets released into the air when talking, coughing, speaking, breathing or sneezing. In some situations, especially in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, the COVID-19 virus can spread when a person is exposed to small droplets or aerosols that stay in the air for minutes to hours.
When you're outside, fresh air is constantly moving, dispersing these droplets. So you're less likely to breathe in enough of the respiratory droplets containing the virus that causes COVID-19 to become infected. But be sure to wear a mask when you can't maintain distance from others.
Being outside offers other benefits, too. It offers an emotional boost and can help you feel less tense, stressed, angry or depressed. And sunlight can give your body vitamin D, too.