













COVID-19: The name of the infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus called SARS- CoV-2. Although COVID-19 is not thought to be an airborne disease, such as measles or tuberculosis, under certain circumstances the virus can be aerosolized into particles much smaller than respiratory droplets (< 5 μm), allowing them to remain suspended in the air longer, to travel farther, and to be inhaled by a person, thus acting like an airborne disease. Aerosol particles bearing SARS-CoV-2 can be generated during medical and dental procedures when a patient’s saliva is agitated by mechanical forces, such as an ultrasonic scaler, a high-speed handpiece, or
spray from an air-water syringe. Therefore, the risk of aerosol transmission can be reduced by avoiding their generation in the first place, by utilizing appropriate PPE, and implementing appropriate aerosol protective measures.


出典:The College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewen Covid-19 Pandemic: IPC Interim Prtocol Update April27, 2020


 と、今現在、北米の歯科界はこういう状況です。これを踏まえた上での診療再開計画第一弾。ちなみにNAGPは(Non -Aerosol Generating Procedures)  AGPは (Aerosol Generating Procedures)です。



• Any emergency NAGP or emergency AGP in Aerosol Controlled Environment utilizing Aerosol Protective Measures and KN95 or N95 respirator
• Examinations and consultations
• Simple extractions (NAGP)
• Hygiene – hand scaling only and no ultrasonic instrumentation
• Preventive procedures such as the application of topical agents (fluoride, silver diamine fluoride, etc.)
• Oral & maxillofacial radiology procedures
• Orthodontic procedures (NAGP)
• Removable prosthodontic procedures
• Cementation of previously fabricated fixed prosthodontics
• Temporomandibular dysfunction management and procedures

• Medical management of soft tissue presentations
• Oral pathology and oral medicine procedures
• Periodontal procedures (NAGP)
• Urgent endodontic procedures – AGP with Dental Dam in Aerosol Controlled Environment utilizing Aerosol Protective Measures and N95 respirator
• Urgent restorative procedures - AGP with Dental Dam in Aerosol Controlled Environment utilizing Aerosol Protective Measures and N95 respirator
• Urgent pediatric restorative procedures - AGP with Dental Dam in Aerosol Controlled Environment utilizing Aerosol Protective Measures and N95 respirator
• Urgent complex extractions (AGP) without Dental Dam in Aerosol Controlled Environment utilizing Aerosol Protective Measures and KN95 or N95 respirator
• Dental public health initiatives including community programing and preventive measures.


出典:The College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewen Covid-19 Pandemic: IPC Interim Prtocol Update April27, 2020



 • All elective and non-urgent AGP
• Hygiene ultrasonic instrumentation
• Selective polishing /prophy
• Laser instrumentation
• Dental implant placement
• Nitrous oxide sedation


出典:The College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewen Covid-19 Pandemic: IPC Interim Prtocol Update April27, 2020




For Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP) with or without Dental Dam in AGP in Aerosol Controlled Environment utilizing Aerosol Protective Measures

Proper Donning and Doffing techniques must be followed:
▪ NIOSH approved N95 or KN95 respirator;
▪ Must be fit tested for both dentist and dental assistant;
▪ Given the shortage of N95 respirators many health care providers are wearing an N95 respirator and covering it with an ASTM Level 2 mask and face shield to prevent droplets and or splatter on the N95 respirator. With this technique the N95 respirator may be used for multiple patients during one operative day;
▪ Face shield (goggles can replace face shield when using a dental dam);
▪ Gown / Lab coat;
▪ Surgical cap / bonnet;
▪ Gloves



For Non-Aerosol Generating Procedures (NAGP) (ie. examinations, hand scaling, simple extractions, orthodontic procedures, crown cementations 


▪ ASTM Level 2 or Level 3 mask;
▪ Eye protection (glasses / goggles / face shield);
▪ Gloves


出典:The College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewen Covid-19 Pandemic: IPC Interim Prtocol Update April27, 2020








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